1. What Am I Worth As an Agent?
  2. Getting Sellers to Price Correctly /Prequalifying Buyers the RIGHT Way!
  3. Effective Ad Writing
  4. Using DISC when working with Buyers
  5. Listing FSBOs and overcoming their objections
  6. Overcoming Commission Cutting Requests
  7. Farming with an Effective Newsletter
  8. Hiring an Assistant/Building Your Own Team
  9. Effective Marketing/Promotion
  10. Intro to DISC Part 1 – “D” and “I” types
  11. Intro to DISC Par 2 – “S” and “C” types
  12. What to expect from each personality type as a customer
  13. Getting More Business!
  14. Speed Reading Personality Types/Changes to Our Personality
  15. Using DISC When Recruiting
  16. Perception Vs. Reality
  17. Being Good Isn’t Good Enough
  18. DISC and Your Relationships